
Il presente sito è Copyright © 2002 di: Archivio Generale Antonio Papasso. Tutti i Diritti Riservati.

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Questo sito, pubblicato, ideato e programmato in HTML da Mauro Griva (webmaster) per conto dell'Archivio Generale Antonio Papasso, è on line su Internet dal Giugno 2002.

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The present website is Copyright © by: Antonio Papasso's General Archive. All Rights Reserved.

We please you to read these notes with attention before use this site.

This site, published, conceived and programmed in HTML by Mauro Griva (webmaster) for account of the Antonio Papasso's General Archive, it is on line on Internet from the June 2002.

All the present pages on this site and all the original materials, the photos, the inventions, the distinctive signs, the banner, the logos contained in this site has protected from the Italian laws and from the international treatises on the law of author (to the senses of the D.L. 29 December 1992 nr. 518 and D.L.16 November 1994 nr. 685) and they are of exclusive ownership of the Antonio Papasso's General Archive, each reproduction is forbidden and like this prosecutable in civic center and penalty (art. 615 ter c.p. and art. 17 and 64 bis, l. 633/ 41), except where expressly suitable the font of the copyright of thirdy party, and they could not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, exposed or published without permitted written about the Antonio Papasso's General Archive.

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