"FORMA NATURAE (Archetipi & C.), 1983"

"A collection of original colored prints with
a short essay by Giulio Carlo Argan"
Collection: Biblioteque Nationale de France (Paris)

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These short graphical lyrics which explore the cruxes and the secret rhythms of the living biological reality, are slight and precious. The sign has the acute and continuous timbre: it exists at the boudaries of the sensitive world as the sound of the vowels in Ungaretti poems.
Papasso practises engraving because the bulyn is sharper than a pen and the acid is more mordant than the ink: it passes through skin and it perceives the blood red cell’s flow and the rhythm of growing of cells, the close tissues reticulate and their bloodless colours.
And, as he deeps into the infinitely small world as much he listens to the immense breathing of the cosmos and enters it.

Giulio Carlo Argan(*) 1983

(*)Giulio Carlo Argan (Torino, 1909 - Roma, 1992). Italian historian and art critic. He wrote: Henry Moore (1948), Walter Gropius e il Bauhaus (1951), Borromini (1951), Brunelleschi (1955), Architettura Barocca in Italia (1957), Studi e Note dal Bramante al Canova (1971) and so on.


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